Guidelines for developing a National Children’s Participation Strategy or a Participation Strategy within a National Children’s Rights Strategy

Guidelines for developing a National Children’s Participation Strategy or a Participation Strategy within a National Children’s Rights Strategy

The EU-COE Joint Project “CP4 EUROPE – Strengthening National Child Participation Frameworks and Action in Europe” aims to contribute to the promotion of children’s rights to participation at national and pan-European levels in accordance with Council of Europe standards and tools in this area. These include, in particular, the Council of Europe Child Participation Assessment Tool (CPAT) which has already been used in 10 countries and the Handbook on children’s participation for professionals working for and with children. The main expected impact of the project is that children across Europe find multiple and innovative opportunities to participate in decision-making processes through stronger child participation mechanisms. The CP4 EUROPE project is being implemented over 24 months (01 April 2021-31 March 2023) in five partner countries: the Czech Republic, Iceland, Portugal, Slovenia and Finland and at the European level. The CP4 EUROPE project is coordinated by the Children’s Rights Division of the Council of Europe (CP4 EUROPE team) in partnership with the five partner countries. Deliverables of the project at a national level include national assessments of national mechanisms, the development of model national strategies, handbooks, checklists and training materials aimed at building capacities on collective and individual child participation. All partners of the project will support the establishment of a “Child participation leadership network”, to benefit from mutual peer support to address the challenges of child participation in various challenges